Hey everyone my name is Alisa Roy. I'm a college student at
Henderson State University. I'm from Little Rock, Arkansas and I attended the
best school in Arkansas. Parkview Arts and Science Magnet High School of
course!!!!!! Many people think that I'm
the only child but I'm not. I have a brother that's nine years older than me.
When people see us they don't think we're related because we look nothing
alike. If you ask me I think I look way better! He has been married for a little over a year and he has one daughter named Kayleigh.One of my favorite passions is
to shop. OMG I can shop all day if I could. Shopping just relaxes me when I'm
stressed out. It also just gives me something to do. Ninety percent of the time
when I go back home I'm out shopping somewhere. I don't really shop here
because there are not really stores here that I like but when I get to Little
Rock I make up for all the shopping I couldn't do in Arkadelphia. College has
been a great experience. It is very different from high school. I'm only 19
years old and will be a junior next semester. I've worked soooo hard the past few
years. I'm studying education right now. I just love working with kids. Making
a difference in a child's life will overall help me become the person I want to
become. I plan on being a 5th grade teacher. I feel like I just have the
attitude to teach 5th. I think I would be a cool teacher for students to have.
I wanted to start this blog for high school students that wanted to get a
feeling of what college is about. I am the type of person that tells everything
how it is. I want this blog to show students that college life is very
different from high school. I will share with you all my everyday life at
Henderson State University.

Hi there! I also enjoy my fair share of shopping, and recently found a new boutique in Arkadelphia! It's called Violet Fields, and they have tons of really cute clothes.