Social media is starting to affect everyone now. To me social media is affecting the world in a positive way. Many college students rely on social media for numerous things. A lot of professors use social media to get in contact with them. Or they may need social media for different jobs or etc. If social media is used in the right way, it can benefit a lot of people. But that's the problem. Many people don't use social media the right way and it ends up affecting us in a negative way. I've read two blogs that addressed this problem. The first one talked about how social media is affecting us in a negative and positive way. Instead of people talking face to face, they might message them on social media instead. This can affect the people who are not comfortable with talking to people in person. But on the other hand, according to a study done youths with strong, positive face-to-face relationships may be those most frequently using social media as an additional venue to interact with their peers. The second blog talked about how social media affects our self perception. With social media you're trying to create a digital identity. Many people that use social media try to hide what they're actually feeling. They try to be this happy person online but in reality they may be going through something you would never know about. People never advertise the negative traits about themselves on social media. It's always the positive things. Because of how people are so critical now online some people may often think that other people's lives are better than there's but in actuality they are probably experiencing the same things you are going through. They just hide it behind the happy fac. They begin to have smiling depression. In America 6.7 percent of people over 18 suffers from major depression. Social media is not there in my opinion to depress people. It's there to help people and benefit people. Right now social media has had a positive impact on my life. I can use social media to get inspiration about different things. Knowing your limits and how to use social media can prevent a lot of stuff from happening and many people would stop thinking that social media is just this negative thing that people are addicted to.
Hey everyone my name is Alisa Roy. I'm a college student at
Henderson State University. I'm from Little Rock, Arkansas and I attended the
best school in Arkansas. Parkview Arts and Science Magnet High School of
course!!!!!! Many people think that I'm
the only child but I'm not. I have a brother that's nine years older than me.
When people see us they don't think we're related because we look nothing
alike. If you ask me I think I look way better! He has been married for a little over a year and he has one daughter named Kayleigh.One of my favorite passions is
to shop. OMG I can shop all day if I could. Shopping just relaxes me when I'm
stressed out. It also just gives me something to do. Ninety percent of the time
when I go back home I'm out shopping somewhere. I don't really shop here
because there are not really stores here that I like but when I get to Little
Rock I make up for all the shopping I couldn't do in Arkadelphia. College has
been a great experience. It is very different from high school. I'm only 19
years old and will be a junior next semester. I've worked soooo hard the past few
years. I'm studying education right now. I just love working with kids. Making
a difference in a child's life will overall help me become the person I want to
become. I plan on being a 5th grade teacher. I feel like I just have the
attitude to teach 5th. I think I would be a cool teacher for students to have.
I wanted to start this blog for high school students that wanted to get a
feeling of what college is about. I am the type of person that tells everything
how it is. I want this blog to show students that college life is very
different from high school. I will share with you all my everyday life at
Henderson State University.