Instead of me enjoying my spring break like everyone else I was at home. Being at home allowed my parents to get their use out of me. My mom had been waiting to plant some flowers and trees in her yard for a long time and today was the day since she assumed I had nothing to do and it was very pretty outside. I do like flowers though because they are a great gift. We planted some hosta, knockout roses, pine trees, Japanese maple trees, and liriopy grass. It was a struggle for me. For one it was very hot outside, two the pollen was extremely bad and I kept sneezing the whole time and three this was my first time every gardening. First we had to pull up all the dead grass and weeds that was there. Then we had to dig a hole for the flowers and trees. I'm not the type of person that likes to play in dirt so that was very interesting and nasty to me. Next we placed the small plants down in the dirt and watered them with the water hose. As I was watering the plants with the hose I also gave my car a little wash to get rid of all the nasty pollen that was on it. Altogether for my first time gardening it wasn't that bad. The process went by fast. My allergies just made everything worse. I don't think gardening is my thing but I'm pretty sure once summer time comes our yard will be looking really nice. :)